


Every semester, you're taking classes that help you to learn the fundamentals of your major. While you're focusing on learning all of this content, who's focusing on helping you figure out what it all means for YOU and your goals?

LeADERS allows you to get the most out of your time at ODU and prepare you for life after graduation. First, we help you to find and complete high-impact courses and experiences that explore areas related to 领导, 应用工作学习, 多样性, 创业, 研究, 及服务学习. Then, we guide you in taking these experiences one step further and personalize them to your goals after graduation.  作为一名领导者毕业生, you'll leave ODU with a comprehensive ePortfolio that showcases your emerging professional identity, 强调关键技能和经验, 并展示你的成就.  Which means that you’ll be able to confidently tell interviewers exactly what you know, 你怎么知道的?, and how your ODU education prepared you to be the best fit for that position.

It's our way of living up to our tagline: High Impact 学习 for a High Impact Future. 成为领导者! 提交此表格加入►


欢迎来到ODU!  你的第一年就是探索你是谁, 你为什么要攻读学位, and how your time at ODU can advance you towards your goals.  领导可以在这个过程中帮助你!  作为新生加入LeADERS,您可以:

  • Attend special events and opportunities just for LeADERS Candidates.
  • Plan which LeADERS courses you want to take (with your advisor, of course!).
  • Participate in a co-curricular experience such as the 领导力讲座系列 或选择春假.
  • Attend ODU’s Career Fair and Internship Fair to learn about professional opportunities in your major. 领导人候选人提前参选 access to the Career Fair and a private tour of the event!
  • Attend ODU’s 本科 研究 Symposium to see what it looks like to conduct research as an undergraduate student.
  • Begin designing and building your LeADERS ePortfolio.

With a year under your belt, you’ve gotten a hang of this whole “college” thing. You have a better sense of what it’s like to be a student at ODU and what experiences the University can offer you.  当你继续你的毕业之旅, LeADERS can help you with exploring all of the options available!  通过作为大二学生加入LeADERS,您可以:

  • Attend special events and opportunities for LeADERS Candidates.
  • Plan which LeADERS courses you want to take (with your advisor, of course!).
  • Complete any necessary prerequisites for your planned LeADERS courses.
  • Participate in a co-curricular experience such as the 领导力讲座系列 或选择春假.
  • Attend ODU’s Career Fair and Internship Fair to learn about professional opportunities in your major. 领导人候选人提前参选 access to the Career Fair and a private tour of the event!
  • Attend ODU’s 本科 研究 Symposium to see what it looks like to conduct research as an undergraduate student.
  • Check out a 出国留学 information session to see if there is an opportunity that’s right for you.
  • 顺便去看看 斯特罗姆创业与创新中心 听听《bet8体育娱乐入口》(B.Y.O.B.) guest speaker share their journey to success as an entrepreneur.
  • Take an updated headshot and add it to your LeADERS ePortfolio.

现在好戏才真正开始!  You’ve knocked out your general education and prerequisite courses and diving head first into your major coursework.  Now is the perfect time to focus on gaining hands-on experiences within your degree. 作为初级员工加入LeADERS,您可以:

  • Attend special events and opportunities for LeADERS Candidates.
  • Use Degree Works to see which LeADERS courses you have already completed or are currently taking.
  • Plan which LeADERS courses you still want to take (with your advisor, of course!).
  • Think through co-curricular experiences you’ve already completed and see if they qualify for LeADERS credit.
  • Participate in a co-curricular experience such as the 领导力讲座系列 或选择春假.
  • Attend ODU’s Career Fair and Internship Fair to learn about professional opportunities in your major and find an internship. 领导人候选人提前参选
  • 参加招聘会(i).e., a head start on those internship opportunities) and a private tour of the event!
  • Attend ODU’s 本科 研究 Symposium to see what it looks like to conduct research as an undergraduate student and connect with faculty doing research in areas of interest to you.
  • Study abroad in a short-term or long-term program or as part of a course.
  • 顺便去看看 斯特罗姆创业与创新中心 and participate in the 3-Day Start-Up program to get your business venture up and running.
  • Look through the assignments that you’ve completed so far and add ones that you are particularly proud of to your LeADERS ePortfolio.

你已经到了最后阶段了!  是时候开始考虑接下来要做什么了.  是否即将进入研究生院?  加入职场?  自己创业?  This is your last chance to gain the experiences needed to push you over the finish line and set you apart from the rest.  领导可以在这方面帮助你! 作为资深会员加入LeADERS,您可以:

  • Use Degree Works to see which LeADERS courses you have already completed or are currently taking.
  • Earn LeADERS credit through co-curricular experiences you’ve completed such as the 领导力讲座系列 或选择春假. 
  • Attend ODU’s Career Fair and Internship Fair to learn about professional opportunities in your major, 与雇主联系, 或者找一份实习. 领导人候选人提前参选 access to the Career Fair and a private tour of the event, so you will be one of the first people employers speak to that day!
  • 出席ODU本科生研究研讨会.
  • Take an updated headshot and polish your LeADERS ePortfolio.
  • Attend the LeADERS Medal Ceremony honoring you and your accomplishments.
  • Wear your LeADERS Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal during commencement!